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Personal Flood Protection Plan

Here are a few suggestions of points to consider when creating a personal flood protection plan for your home.

If you live in a flood risk area, it is important for you to do what you can now to prepare for a flood. Don’t wait until it happens, as you may not have time.

Contact List

You may need to contact a number of companies. Keep a list of their telephone numbers handy. Your list should include your :

Electricity Provider

Gas Provider

Water Company

Telephone/Internet Provider

Local Council

Insurance Company (don’t forget your policy number!)

Key locations

In an emergency it is essential that you know where to turn off your service supplies. Find out and keep a note if necessary of where your gas, electricity and water mains are should you need to turn them off quickly.

Other actions

Move furniture and electrical items to a safer location

Put polythene and sandbags in place outside your property and over internal sinks and drains.

Move sentimental items to safety

Keep important documents in polythene bags, and upstairs if possible

Have a flood kit ready should you need to evacuate. This should include medication, a torch, food, warm and waterproof clothing and food.

This information is a guide only, giving you ideas on things to consider should your property get flooded. The simple act of thinking about what to do and how to do it in advance will put you a step ahead during an emergency and help you to not panic.